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January 3, 2022
Product Development

So You've Missed the Window to Avoid Factory Shutdowns

Kimberly Shenk

February 1st, 2021 marks the start of the Chinese New Year (CNY)— and if you didn’t know, holiday closures have a major impact on the global supply chain. In short, all factories close, production stops, and operations may not return to normal capacity even after the new year.

Many brands source materials from China, but may not know the true significance and impact CNY has on the supply chain. Brands who fall into this trap will experience multiple delays, and will find themselves missing expensive deadlines.

Photo by Vitolda Klein via Unsplash

So you’ve missed the window to avoid shutdowns. Now what?

Split your order.

Expedite your shipment by getting part of your order through air, and the rest by boat. Since air shipping can be quite costly, make sure you have some room in your budget to take the risk. In other words, only order materials that are critical to meet your launch date. Doing so will hold you over until you receive the rest of your shipment by boat.

Try a different region.

This seems obvious, but it must be said: try sourcing similar materials from a different region— all the better if it’s domestic! Again, place a smaller order so that you can have enough product to launch— enough to hold you over until you receive the rest of your delayed shipment.

Try a different supplier.

While easier said than done, it’s best to just switch to a different supplier altogether. It’s an issue of cost-benefit analysis: you may find that paying just a little more for a different product or smaller MOQ is outweighed by the revenue earned from a timely launch.

Photo by Sandy Millar via Unsplash

How to better prepare for the next Lunar New Year

Work with trusted suppliers.

This is a given— however, trust extends beyond just quality materials and fair pricing. The best suppliers and manufacturers will outline the impact of any supply chain disruptions and make sure you know upfront about any possible issues with timing. In return, be sure to clearly communicate your brand’s own timeline and expectations.

Get information on lead times and pricing ASAP.

While data transparency on sustainability is paramount, so is information on pricing and lead times. Be sure to factor in lead times in your timeline, along with some extra “cushion” time to be sure you can take care of any disruptions if they happen. Additionally, budgeting will be much easier with upfront pricing.

Consider sourcing locally.

Sourcing materials locally can have both major cost and sustainability benefits. Shorter distances mean less fossil fuels and other resources used for shipping, as well as lower freight costs. And of course, you can better avoid shipping disruptions caused by Chinese New Year.

The good news about Novi

Luckily, Novi can help. Our marketplace offers materials from trusted suppliers in various countries such as Spain, USA, South Korea, and more. With upfront pricing and lead times, we can help expedite your decision-making. Plus, with rapid sampling and low MOQs, we’ll help you reach the timely launch you strive for without breaking the bank.

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